ARViewOpenEventListener | Listener that is called when an AR view has to be opened. |
AsyncTaskListener | Created by loris on 06.02.18. |
AudioPlayerActivity | Audio player used for the AudioSync |
BackgroundRenderer | This class renders the AR background from camera feed. |
BeaconNotification | Class representing a beacon notification. |
BeaconNotificationPopup | Popup displayed when a beacon notification is triggered. |
BookmarkManager | Class handling the bookmarks. |
CameraPermissionHelper | Helper to ask camera permission. |
DeviceCameraImageSender | Allow access to the device camera for the Vidinoti AR SDK. |
DisplayRotationHelper | Helper to track the display rotations. |
Downloader | Utility class for downloading files. |
Downloader.DownloadListener | |
DownloadResource | Created by loris on 05.02.18. |
GeoPointManager | Created by loic on 22/09/16. |
GPSNotificationsService | |
GpsPoint | Simple class representing a GPS point (latitude/longitude) |
IBeaconSensor | Represent an iBeacon sensor with the ID being a concatenation of UUID_major_minor. |
ImageHelper | Helper class for converting images. |
LocalNotificationListener | Listener to be notified when a local notification arrives |
MatrixHelper | Helper class for matrices |
MoviePlayerActivity | Represents an activity which can be launched to present a movie to the user. |
NotificationFactory | Describe a class capable of creating an app-specific notification on demand. |
NotificationHelper | Helper class for the beacon notifications |
PushNotificationController | Class responsible for managing the Android push notifications. |
Sensor | Define a sensor that has a trigger state |
ShaderUtil | Shader helper functions. |
Translator | Created by mathieu on 27.05.15. |
UnsupportedImageFormatException |
VDARAjaxAppDataProvider | Describe a provider that can produce data for custom Ajax requests that are generated from the underlying JavaScript Annotation system PixLive JS |
VDARAnnotationView | The annotation view which will display the camera frames and the annotations. |
VDARApplicationPrior | Represent an application prior. |
VDARCode | Represent a specific code (such as QRCodes) detected by the camera. |
VDARCodeType | The different code type that the Vidinoti AR SDK is able to recognize. |
VDARContentEventReceiver | Created by loic on 10/08/16. |
VDARContext | Represents a VDARContext fetched from the ARManager platform |
VDARContext.ContextObserverUpdateInfo | Describe the status of a current file download action on a context |
VDARContextPrior | Represent a context prior. |
VDARDefaultARActivity | Activity that is used for displaying AR content. |
VDARFacebookShareActivity | NOTE: FacebookBroadcastReceiver class (to handle notifications for long-running operations such as photo uploads) has not been added voluntary. |
VDARFrame | Describe a frame to be processed by the vision system. |
VDARFrame.VDARFrameFormat | Describe the supported frame format |
VDARGPSPoint | Created by loic on 26/09/16. |
VDARHTMLAnnotationNativeInterface | Interface describing the method of VDARHTMLAnnotation that are called from native code. |
VDARImageReceiver | Interface used by Vidinoti AR systems to receive and treat image frames |
VDARImageSender | This interface must be implemented by image senders (cameras interfaces) to send frames to Vidinoti vision system. |
VDARIntersectionPrior | Represent a combination of two or more priors where the result set is the intersection of the result set of each prior in the combination. |
VDARLocalizationManager | This class monitor user position changes and save the position for later use. |
VDARLocalizationManagerEventReceiver | Defines clients which receives events from the localization manager. |
VDARLocalizationPrior | Represents a prior used to synchronize the local AR DB with models stored on the ARManager platforms. |
VDARModalWebView | Is an activity implementing the modal web view |
VDARNearbyGPSManager | |
VDARNearbyGPSManagerEventReceiver | |
VDARPrior | Defines the super class of a prior (i.e. |
VDARRemoteController | Class used to retrieve and synchronize contexts with the PixLive Maker platform. |
VDARRemoteController.Callback<T> | |
VDARRemoteController.ObserverUpdateInfo | Describe the status of a current action |
VDARRemoteControllerListener | Can be used to monitor synchronization progress of a request made through the VDARRemoteController object. |
VDARSDKController | The context manager orchestrating all the Vidinoti AR system. |
VDARSDKControllerEventReceiver | Defines clients which receives events from the context system. |
VDARSDKSensorEventReceiver | Defines clients which receives events from the sensor system. |
VDARTagPrior | Represent a tag prior. |
VDARTourPrior | Represent a tour prior. |
VDARUserEmailPrior | Represent a user email prior. |
VDARWebView | Web view which should be used to create custom modal web view. |
VidiBeaconSensor | Represent a Vidinoti VidiBeacon sensor with its unique serial as ID. |
VidinotiArFallbackActivity | |
VidinotiArJavascriptInterface | Interface that can be called by the javascript. |
VidinotiArJavascriptInterface.Listener | Interface defining the methods that can be called from the javascript |
VidinotiArPlacementQuality | |
VidinotiArPlacementType | |
VidinotiArViewerActivity | Activity that runs ARCore with a web view on top of the camera view. |
VidinotiArWebView | Web view used for running the 3D WebGL rendering. |
VidinotiBaseArViewerActivity | Activity with the ARCore scanner running. |
VisionSensor | Represent a VisionSensor, i.e. |